By reading this step-by-step guide you will find out how to get the tessera sanitaria as an expat in Italy.

If you are planning to move to Italy or you are already here, getting the Tessera Sanitaria (Italian Health Insurance Card) should be one of the first things on your list to arrange.
Unfortunately, getting the Tessera Sanitaria as an expat in Italy is as important as difficult. This is because most of the Italian websites of public institutions aren’t well structured and very often are only available in italian.
Don’t worry! This simple guide will help you to easily get the Tessera Sanitaria.
This guide is updated to June 2021 and is addressed to all the expats in Italy who need to get the Tessera Sanitaria. By reading this guide you will find the answers to the following questions:
- What is the Tessera Sanitaria (Italian Health Insurance Card)?
- Why do you need the Tessera Sanitaria as an expat in Italy?
- What documents do you need to get the Tessera Sanitaria?
- How to get the Tessera Sanitaria in 5 steps?
What is the Tessera Sanitaria (Italian Health Insurance Card)?
The Tessera Sanitaria (Italian Health Insurance Card) is a personal document issued by the ASL (Azienda Sanitaria Locale – Local Health Authority) to all the people registered in the Italian National Health Service (Servizio Sanitario Nazionale – SSN).
Here’s an example of what a Tessera Sanitaria looks like:

On the first side of the card are shown the following information:
- Italian Tax Code (Codice Fiscale)
- Name and Surname of the card holder
- Place and Country of birth
- Date of birth
- Region (the Italian region you are living in)
- Expiration date. If you are a foreigner with a permanent permit or the right to stay without any duration limit in Italian, your Tessera Sanitaria is valid for 6 years but in specific cases (e.g. foreigners with a limited stay permit) the validity could be shorter
- Braille for people with visual impairment
- Blank area for any eventual regional stickers or emblems
On the back of the card you can find the European Health Insurance Card (Tessera Europea di Assicurazione Malattia – T.E.A.M.).

As you can see in the picture above, the back of the Tessera Sanitaria contains the following information:
- Magnetic stripe where are recorder the personal data of the holder
- Italian Tax Barcode
- Acronym of the Country that issues the Health Card (IT means Italy)
- Name, surname, date of birth, personal ID, card ID and expiration date
Why do you need a Tessera Sanitaria as an expat in Italy?
Getting the Italian Tessera Sanitaria is necessary to get access to the Italian Health System. With your tessera you can do the following:
- Visit a general practitioner (For more information, read my post on “How to get a public general doctor in Italy”)
- Get blood analyses or specialist examinations.
Moreover, the Tessera Sanitaria certificates your Italian Tax Code (Codice Fiscale). You only need the card when you would like to use the public health system in Italy. If you are visiting private doctors you won’t need the Tessera Sanitaria.
Which documents do you need to get the Tessera Sanitaria?
It’s not easy to understand which documents you would need to obtain your Tessera Sanitaria.Therefore, I have created the following checklist for you:
If you want to get the Tessera Sanitaria as an expat in Italy you need to provide the following documentation:
- Your Identity Card, this can also be your ID card from your country of birth (read the following post to know how you could obtain an Italian ID card: ”How to get the Italian Identity Card?)”
- A valid permit to stay in Italy as European or non-European citizen. For EU passport holders this means that you need the “attestazione di regolarita del soggiorno”. Non EU passport holders would need their receipt of application for the Permesso di Soggiorno or their Permesso di Soggiorno (read the following post to know how you could obtain the Permesso di Soggiorno).
- A self-declaration of residency (read the following post to know how you could change your change your residency to Italy or within Italy).
- The certificate or Codice Fiscale card with your personal Italian Tax Code (Codice Fiscale) issued by the Italian Tax Agency (Agenzia delle Entrate)
It will be enough to provide just a copy of the above-mentioned document (the original shall be kept by you).Note that the ASL of the Italian city where you live could request more additional documentation to apply for the Tessera Sanitaria.
Do you have to pay a fee to get the Tessera Sanitaria?
The Tessera Sanitaria is issued for free but the registration to the Italian National Health Service (SSN – Servizio Sanitario Nazionale), which is necessary to get access to healthcare in Italy, could cost you some money. It all depends on if your registration is seen as a “right” (no need to pay) or if it’s seen as “optional” (payment necessary).
For example, if you are an expat (Eu citizen or not) who moves to Italy for work and you will pay tax in Italy, you don’t have to pay a fee. On the other hand, if you are a student, it is required to pay an annual fee of (about) 150 euros (seen as an optional registration).
If you need to pay or not really depends on your personal situation. I will tell you more about the possible reasons you need to pay a fee and the average amount of the fee in the following post: “How to register to the ltalian Health Service (Servizio Sanitario Nazionale)?”
How to obtain the Tessera Sanitaria in 5 steps?
It is time to obtain your Tessera Sanitaria! Here’s a 5 step action plan :
- Step 1. Get your Italian Tax Code (Codice Fiscale). Having a Codice Fiscale is mandatory if you want to apply for the Tessera Sanitaria. If you don’t know how to do it, take a look at my guide on how to get a Codice Fiscale.
- Step 2. Go to the competent Local Health Authority office (ASL). Visit one of their offices and ask if there are any additional requirements for you specific case. You may also try to contact them online by e-mail. Here is the list of the Italian ASL offices.
- Step 3. Go to the Poste Italiane and pay the fee (if any). Visit the one of their post offices and ask for a Bollettino Postale to pay the fee. Don’t forget to keep the receipt of the payment, you will need to show it when you are applying for the Tessera Sanitaria.
- Step 4. Make a copy of all the documents required by the ASL .
- Step 5. Return to your Local Health Authority office. Submit your application and choose your public general practitioner (Medico di Base or Medico di Famiglia). Take a look here in order to find out how to get a Medico di base.
After completing your registration, the officer of the ASL will give you the receipt of your registration and a copy of the Tessera Sanitaria. The card will arrive at your house in 20-25 days.
How to get a duplicate and review your Health Insurance Card?
If you have lost the Tessera Sanitaria you can request a duplicate. You can renew the Tessera Sanitaria by following the procedure indicated in my post: “How to renew the Tessera Sanitaria.”
If you need legal help don’t hesitate to contact me. I will be happy to help you.